Football is definitely one of the most-watched sports of all time. No doubt, sports betting is also deeply connected to football matches, charity events, and world championships. GambleAware has researched the level of global gambling harm on football fans during various events. Find more blog posts on the GBC Time website.
According to the GambleAware report, one in four football fans feels pressure to place a bet on the upcoming world cup. Talking more specifically, it is 25% of the football fan base. Almost the same percentage (24%) think they would regret spending money on betting on the World Cup.
28% of football fans feel anxious about the possible money loos on betting while the World Cup. What is even more surprising, the same number (28%) is sure that the World Cup would not be as exciting as without betting.
However, the major part of football fans worldwide is worried about the strong connection between gambling and football. More specifically, 64% of football fans see too many gambling ads while big events like the World Cup. 61% are sure that the football and betting industries become more connected every year.

Football bettors
GambleAware reports that 80% of football bettors will probably place their bets while this winter’s World Cup. More than half of the active football bettors (56%) insist on the easiness of getting carried away while the big sports event.
At the same time, around 33% of the bettors are sure that they would regret the sum of money they have spent on betting while the World Cup.
Football without betting: fans’ opinion
The research demonstrates that almost half of football fans, who actively bet on sports events (42%) are sure that the championship would not be so interesting without betting. They would definitely not watch the matches if there were no betting options. However, there is a part of the fans (40%), who worry about the sum they may loos while betting on such a big football event.
However, not all customers see betting as a form of entertainment. GambleAware has found out that almost half of the football fans (48%) place bets to increase their income.
What affects the growth of rates during the World Cup?
Talking about the main factors that influence the bettors’ likelihood of betting, there are few of them:
- Special odds deals;
- In-play offers;
- Getting carried away at the moment;
- Chasing losses;
- Notifications from gambling apps;
- Financial pressures;
- Adverts from betting companies;
- Pressure from friends.